Report on the Two-Day National Workshop on “Unlocking The Mind : Forensic Psychology in Criminal Investigations”

A Two-Day National Workshop on “Unlocking the Mind : Forensic Psychology in Criminal Investigations” was organized by the Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, from 10th to 11th September 2024, held at its premises. The event was attended by 102 participants from various educational institutions, from across the state of Gujarat, India. The workshop was aimed at providing participants with an in-depth knowledge and practical insights into the field of forensic psychology, focusing on its applications in legal and criminal justice systems. The workshop commenced with the inaugural session, attended by the Patron, Dr. Neerja Gupta, Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University, Guest of Honor, Prof. (Dr.) Anand Kumar, President, Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, and the Convenor of the Workshop, Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Executive Council Member, Gujarat University; Director, School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education; Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Gujarat University,.

Renowned experts, from the National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU), Gandhinagar, delivered key sessions highlighting the growing importance of Forensic Psychology:

  • Asha Shrivastava : Scientific Interrogation Techniques for Crime Investigation
  • (Dr.) Smita Pandey : Compassion Focused Therapy
  • Amita Shukla : Lie Detection
  • Krishna Kumar Mishra : Layered Voice Analysis in Crime Investigation
  • Vijo Vincent : Elements of Human Trafficking
  • Priyaranjan Maral : Role of EEG in detection of Deception
  • Swikar Lama : Crime Scene Management and Criminal Profiling
  • Ashwani Pundeer : Application of Mindfulness based Intervention in Psychiatric Illness, and
  • Prakhar Bajpai : Use of Suspect Detection System in Crime Investigation.

The workshop facilitated interaction between students, early-career professionals, and experienced forensic psychologists, fostering potential collaborations. The two-day National Workshop on Forensic Psychology and its Applications was a resounding success, providing participants with valuable theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


The Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology, organized a three-day workshop titled “Beyond the Images – Decoding Symbolism in Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).” Held from February 28th to March 1st, facilitated by Mr. Jaywant Makwana (RCI Licensed Clinical Psychologist). The workshop aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of TAT and its applications in psychological interpretation and analysis. 

The workshop witnessed active participation from 83 attendees, including BA and MA psychology students, diploma students, PhD scholars, and professionals. Throughout the three days, participants gained theoretical knowledge and practical skills in administering and interpreting TAT. Engaging discussions and insightful analyses enriched the learning environment and deepened understanding of the participants.  

Day 1: Introduction to Projective Techniques 

The workshop commenced with an in-depth exploration of projective techniques, with a particular focus on Freud’s conceptual framework and the historical evolution of TAT. Participants delved into the characteristics of TAT cards and gained insights into test administration procedures, including instructions, story recording, and inquiry methods. 

Day 2: Methods of Interpretations 

Day two was dedicated to understanding the methods of interpretation within TAT. Participants engaged in discussions on the necessary basic data required for analysis and conducted an indepth analysis of form and content within TAT responses. Themes, interpersonal relations, needs, significant conflicts, defenses, as well as emotions and feelings depicted in narratives, were rigorously scrutinized. 

Day 3: Ego Structure and Reporting 

The concluding day focused on understanding ego structure and integrating observations into comprehensive reports. Participants learned the art of crafting final reports, culminating in a case demonstration and practice in report writing. This segment provided practical application of theoretical knowledge acquired throughout the workshop. 


Between the 2nd to the 7th of February 2024, the Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat conducted a comprehensive psychotherapy workshop, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, U.P., covering a range of essential topics in the field. A total of 69 participants, from bachelors, masters, diploma, Ph.D, in psychology, as well as professionals working in the field of psychology had registered for the workshop. The workshop aimed to enhance participants’ understanding and skills in various psychotherapeutic approaches. Led by RCI Licensed professionals in the field, each day focused on different concepts and techniques vital for effective therapy. The overall workshop was intellectually stimulating. The participants were observed to be curious, involving, engaging, questioning and discussing with the facilitators.
Day 1: 2nd February 2024 (Session by Chinmay Desai):
Explored patient observation, rapport building, and MSE techniques, followed by case history analysis, focusing on a comprehensive overview of the importance of keen observation skills in understanding patients’ non-verbal cues and behavior patterns.
Day 2: 3rd February 2024 (Session by Roma Taiyyabji)
Focused on Psychodrama, emphasizing role-playing and emotional expression in therapy. Participants engaged in a variety of psychodramatic techniques, including role-playing, spontaneous improvisation, and group sharing. Through guided exercises, individuals had the opportunity to embody different roles and perspectives, gaining valuable insights into their own emotions, beliefs, and behaviours.
Day 3: 5th February 2024 (Session by Purnima Gupta)
Centered on Analytical Psychology by Carl Yung, highlighting Jungian concepts like archetypes and dream interpretation. The session delved into the concept of the collective unconscious, archetypes, and the process of individuation, emphasizing their significance in understanding human behavior and development. The session also highlighted the therapeutic techniques used in analytical psychology, such as dream analysis and active imagination, showcasing their efficacy in promoting self-awareness and psychological integration.
Day 4: 6th February 2024 (Two Sessions)
Session 1 by Hervez Bharucha: Explored the dynamic world of Hypnotherapy, where the participants explored the concept of subconscious thoughts, self awareness how hypnotherapy is utilized to promote positive mental health changes, such as reducing anxiety, managing pain, overcoming phobias, among others.
Session 2 by Salony Priya: Focused on Counselling Approaches, with a comprehensive exploration of various therapeutic modalities and their application in clinical and non-clinical settings. Through interactive activities, case studies, and group discussions, participants gained valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of each approach, enabling them to develop a more holistic and personalized approach to counselling.
Day 5: 7th February 2024 (Session by Narsinh Chaudhary)
Concluded with family and marital therapy foundations and interpersonal relationship building strategies. The session delved into the importance of effective communication, active listening, conflict resolution, and problem-solving skills in fostering healthy dynamics. They emphasized the significance of understanding each individual’s perspective, addressing underlying issues, and promoting empathy and validation within relationships.



The Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, organized a two-day National Workshop on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at its premises on 21st and 22nd August 2023. Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology; Director, School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, convened the workshop. The Guest of Honour for the National Workshop was Dr. Anand Kumar, President, IAHP, Varanasi. The expert facilitator invited to deliver the workshop was Dr. Anand Pratap Singh, Head, Department of Psychology and Mental Health, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida. Over 130 participants attended the workshop, belonging from various academic and non-academic institutions, spread across various states of India. The workshop began with an inaugural function wherein the convenor of the program, Dr. Kamayani Mathur highlighted on the importance of understanding the principles and theories of CBT, in clinical practices. The National Workshop, stretched across two days, began on Day 1 with an overview on CBT’s theoretical foundations, its history and its fundamental principles. Participants learnt about the cognitive model and the ABC (Activating event, Beliefs, Consequences) framework. The facilitator discussed the importance of thorough assessment and case conceptualization in CBT. Practical exercises were conducted to teach participants how to gather relevant information and develop a clear understanding of a client’s concerns. Day 2 of the workshop was primarily focused on the practical applications of CBT Techniques and interventions, including the Relaxation therapy, allowing participants to enhance their skills through role-playing scenarios. 

The workshop served its purpose of providing the participants with a comprehensive understanding into the principles and techniques of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, with an ultimate goal towards providing an enriching learning experience for the practising psychologists, students, faculties etc. 


The Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, UP, organized a three-day workshop on Rorschach Inkblot test, at its premises, between 22nd, 23rd and 24th February 2023. A total of 41 participants, belonging from various educational institutions and disciplines, belonging from Undergraduate, Post-Graduate and Diploma level Psychology students and Research Scholars from the discipline of Psychology, joined for this workshop. Mr. Jayvant Makwana, Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Rehabilitation Psychologist, facilitated the three-day workshop. The Inaugural Ceremony was conducted on 22nd February, convened by the Director, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, Dr. Kamayani Mathur. The workshop was well received by all the participants, who gained significant practical experience and understanding into the history and effectiveness of the Rorschach Inkblot Test. The tests’ administration, scoring and interpretation nature, invited many participant queries, which was resolved expertly by the facilitator, taking the aid of various case studies and demonstrations. The facilitator’s experience and expertise of conducting more than 100 Rorschach testing cases, was well evident through the overall conduction of the workshop, in terms of the deliverance and the resolving the queries raised by the participants, when required. The workshop served critical importance to the participants, in terms of developing a knowledge in clinical psychology and for the students, who aspires to pursue projective testing assessment as a future career option. The workshop concluded on the 24th with the valedictory function wherein the participants shared their valuable feedback and received their certificate of participation. 


The Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with The Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), organized a two-day National Workshop on Research Methodology for Social Sciences at its premises, between 27th and 28th January 2023. A total of 97 participants, from various educational institutions and disciplines, joined in this workshop. The two-day workshop was facilitated by Dr. Urmi Nanda Biswas, Professor, Division of Psychology, School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University. The Inaugural Ceremony was conducted on 27th January, joined by the President of the Indian Academy of Health Psychology, Prof. Anand Kumar, as the Chief Guest and convened by the Director, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, Dr. Kamayani Mathur. The workshop was well received by participants, belonging from various educational qualifications. The workshop served its purpose of providing detailed conceptual understanding into the components and the paradigms of Research Methodology, providing the participants with an effective learning experience through the course of the two day workshop. The facilitator’s experience and expertise was well evident through the overall conduction of the workshop, in terms of the deliverance and the resolving the queries raised by the participants, when required. With the ever-growing demand for conducting more quality-based researches, conducting workshops such as this proved necessary for all the participants. The workshop concluded on 28th January with the valedictory function wherein, the participants received the certificate of participation.



The Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, with B M Institute of Mental Health, in collaboration with Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, organized a two day seminar on “Multidisciplinary Approach of Understanding Disability, Early Identification and its Management” on 29th and 30th March 2022. The seminar was convened by Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Director, School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. Dr. Madhu Singh, Director, B M Institute of Mental Health, Ahmedabad, along with other eminent speakers, from the field of Clinical and Rehabilitation Psychology, Special Educators, Occupational Therapists, were the resource persons of the seminar. Various topics of interest were covered throughout the duration of the seminar including Understanding Disability as per RPWD Act, 2016, the early identification and management of various Learning Disorders, including others. This seminar proved beneficial for the over 100 participants attended by Masters in Clinical Psychology, Diploma and PhD in understanding and spreading the awareness of physical and psychological disabilities. It was very much the need of the day, as approximately 2.1 percent of the total population is subjected to one or the other kind of being differently abled. The seminar served the purpose of empowering the participants with the knowledge of Acts and Policies associated with Learning Disability (LD). 



A State-Level Workshop on Concepts and Application of Statistical Techniques in Psychological ResearchA 15-hour state-level workshop on “Concepts and Application of Statistical Techniques in Psychological Research” was successfully organized at the Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with Prof. Anand Kumar, President of the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, from 13th-15th September 2021 (12:00 PM to 05:00 PM). The inaugural ceremony was felicitated by Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Jagdish Bhavsar, Gujarat University. The workshop was convened by Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Director, School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education andfacilitated by Prof. (Dr.) Satish Shukla, Professor, Department of Education, Gujarat University. Total 81 participants registered for the workshop from various colleges and universities. This workshop focused on various concepts of research methodology and quantitative data analysis using Microsoft Excel. On Day 1 the resource person taught how to find mean, median, mode, quartile, variance, standard deviation,percentile, frequency distribution and explained all these terms as well. He further explained scales of measurement: ordinal, ratio, nominal and interval and then parametric and non-parametric, directional and non-directional statistics, Kruskal Wallis test. On Day 2 participants learnt what is hypothesis, types of hypothesis, what is significant difference, percentile rank, how to find ranks in Excel, how to do Chi-Square in Excel andwhat is normal distribution curve. On Day 3 of the workshop, the students were taught about variables, types of variables, history of research and its types and practically learnt to do t-test and ANOVA (one way, two way and three way) and how to write the hypothesis and interpretation for the same.Students gained intensive knowledge of theoretical framework and practical application of statistical methods fordata analysis. The sessions were very interactive which enhanced the analytical skills of the participantsand will help them in their research projects and dissertation work.On the last day of the workshop in the valedictory function the participants provided their valuable feedback following which participation certificates were distributed.


The first live webinar of the series, themed “Understanding anxiety through psychiatric lens: Discussion of post-covid clinical cases” was successfully organized by the Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi on 19th June 2021 from 3 pm to 4:30 pm. The workshop was convened by Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Director, School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, and facilitated by Dr. Dhruv Thakkar, practicing Psychiatrist with a total of 147 registered participants. The webinar helped the students in practically understanding about how anxiety develops and disturbs the routine functioning of people especially in relation to post-covid period. Many real-life case studies were discussed to demonstrate the distressing symptoms and what measures can be taken to manage them. At the end of the session, there was question and answer round where the participants enthusiastically posed their queries which were attended by the resource person. The webinar was very informative, practically useful, and appreciated by all the attendees.  


The second live webinar of the series “Virtual World vs. Reality and How to Balance it in the Current era” was successfully organized by the Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with Prof. Anand Kumar, President of the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, on 29th July 2021 from 3 pm to 4 pm. The workshop was convened by Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Director, School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, and facilitated by Dr. Tejas V. Patel, practicing Psychiatrist, Ahmedabad, with a total of 91 registered participants. The webinar provided the students with a platform to understand and gain knowledge regarding digital addiction with the likes of internet addiction, mobile phone addiction, pornographic addiction, among others. The session was delivered excellently by the facilitator providing important details relating to the dangers of virtual world addiction by citing important case-studies, and how misuse of digital devices can lead to physical as well as psychological implications upon the addicted individuals and their families. The facilitator provided ample examples to highlight digital addiction and how it is advancing amongst the adolescents especially in the recent times. Overall, the webinar was highly informative, practical and well-received by all the participants present. 


A State-level Workshop themed “Paradigms of Talk Therapy” was organized at the Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, U.P.from 15th March-20th March 2021 (03:00 PM to 06:00 PM).The workshop was convened by Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology and facilitated by Ms. Purnima Gupta, practicing Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist.This workshop focused on various forms of psychotherapy, with the likes of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), Client Centered Therapy, Existential Therapy, Logo Therapy and Psychoanalytic Therapy + Jungian Therapy. The workshop extended to a duration of 18 hours anda total of 72 participants registered for the workshop, affiliated to different educational institutions including Department of Psychology (GU), St. Xavier’s College, L.D. Arts College, S.V. Arts College, Gujarat College as well as Maharaja Sayajirao Uuniversity (Baroda).
The workshop helped the students in receiving the basic understanding of the theoretical as well as practical models of different approaches to the therapeutic interventions. This workshop facilitated in developing fundamental skills as well as prepared them to consider a holistic perspective and become more aware of the diversities of psychological issues faced by people in the society.The sessions were largely interactive with lots of questions and lively discussion between the facilitator and the participants. In order to understand the therapeutic process better, live demonstrations were also organized.The sessions were thoroughly informed and enjoyed by all the participants. The final day of the workshop was hosted with a valedictory function wherein the participation certificates were distributed to all the participants.


The Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP), Varanasi, organized a two-day National Workshop on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at its premises on 21st and 22nd August 2023. Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology; Director, School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, convened the workshop. The Guest of Honour for the National Workshop was Dr. Anand Kumar, President, IAHP, Varanasi. The expert facilitator invited to deliver the workshop was Dr. Anand Pratap Singh, Head, Department of Psychology and Mental Health, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida. Over 130 participants attended the workshop, belonging from various academic and non-academic institutions, spread across various states of India. The workshop began with an inaugural function wherein the convenor of the program, Dr. Kamayani Mathur highlighted on the importance of understanding the principles and theories of CBT, in clinical practices. The National Workshop, stretched across two days, began on Day 1 with an overview on CBT’s theoretical foundations, its history and its fundamental principles. Participants learnt about the cognitive model and the ABC (Activating event, Beliefs, Consequences) framework. The facilitator discussed the importance of thorough assessment and case conceptualization in CBT. Practical exercises were conducted to teach participants how to gather relevant information and develop a clear understanding of a client’s concerns. Day 2 of the workshop was primarily focused on the practical applications of CBT Techniques and interventions, including the Relaxation therapy, allowing participants to enhance their skills through role-playing scenarios.
The workshop served its purpose of providing the participants with a comprehensive understanding into the principles and techniques of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, with an ultimate goal towards providing an enriching learning experience for the practising psychologists, students, faculties etc.

Report on Two-day National workshop on Mindfulness Skills and their Applications . 19th-20th July 2019, Department of Psychology, Gujarat University.

On 19th and 20th July 2019. The department of Psychology had conducted a two-day national workshop on “Mindfulness Skills and Their Applications” in affiliation with the Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP). It was for the first time that a workshop on Mindfulness was conducted in Gujarat state. The inauguration ceremony was graciously attended by the Honourable Vice Chancellor of Gujarat University (Prof.) Dr. Himanshu Pandya who was the chief guest of the program, The Vice Chancellor of Saurashtra University (Prof.) Dr. Nitin Pethani, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Gujarat University Dr. Jagdish Bhavsar, The President of the IAHP (Prof.) Dr. Anand Kumar, the convener of the workshop (Prof.) Dr. Kamayani Mathur; HOD Psychology department and Director of School of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Gujarat University and the speaker of the workshop (Prof.) Dr. Mahendra Prakash Sharma, HOD Clinical Psychology Department NIMHANS Bangalore. The participants of this eclectic gathering comprised of students of psychology, professionals in the field of mental health, research scholars, teachers and practioners.  The participants were thrilled to listen to the opening address by Dr. Mathur and the presidential address by Dr. Kumar. (Prof.)Dr. Nitin Pethani’s speech highlighted how more and more workshops and conferences are needed so that students get a chance to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical use. However, it was the Honourable Vice Chancellor of Gujarat University Dr. Himanshu Pandya’s relatable address that correlated science, spirituality and mindfulness which inspired the students.

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not getting overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. While mindfulness is something, we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice it on a daily basis. Whenever we bring awareness to what we’re directly experiencing via our senses, or to our state of mind via our thoughts and emotions, we’re being mindful. And there’s growing research showing that when we train our brain to be mindful, we’re actually remodelling the physical structure of  our brain.Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future. The goal of this workshop was for each of the participants to wake up to the inner workings of their mental, emotional, and physical processes. That they can all imbibe, inculcate and enrich their lives by the application of mindfulness skills.

WORLD MENTAL HEALTH CONFERENCE, 10th& 11th October, 2019

In accordance with the World Mental Health Day celebrations, Gujarat University along with the Holistic Foundation of India organized a two-day RCI recognized International Conference. The Inaugural Ceremony began at 09:30 A.M. at the Senate Hall, Gujarat University. Many prominent dignitaries were present as part of the Inaugural functions, including Padmashree Dr. Sudhir Shah, Consultant Neuro Physician, the Director of Department of Psychology, Dr. Kamayani Mathur, Vice Chancellor of Gujarat University, Dr. Himanshu Pandya, Retd. IIM Professor, Dr. D M Pestonjee and the keynote address was provided by Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia, International Hypnotherapy Trainer. The convener of the program was Prof. Harvez Bharucha. The inaugurations began with a beautiful dance and music program performed by the Ph.D. students of the Department of Psychology, TwishaOza and Sukhada Pendse. After the prayer functions and lighting of the lamp, the Inaugural address was provided by the convener and owner of Holistic Foundation of India, Prof. Harvez Bharucha, highlighting the importance of Holistic Healing Solutions. Following the inaugural address by Dr. Bharucha, onto the stage was invited by S N Vaya, who highlighted the importance of how Ahmedabad lead the way towards integrating the cultural and traditional diversity into the field of Psychology. Following this, was the address by the Chief Guest, Dr. D M Pestonjee who enlightened the participants, and the entire crowd with a speech about the role of psychology and the journey it took towards the modern era of psychology. The address was continued with an address by the Vice Chancellor of Gujarat University, Dr. Himanshu Pandya, addressing the entire delegates of the conference about how psychology is about addressing oneself and how it’s important to give importance to oneself rather focusing on others. During his address, Dr. Himanshu Pandya announced that a new Post Graduate Diploma Course was introduced on Hypnotherapy. The chief guest was Padmashree Dr. Sudhir Shah who talked about the importance of the mind and brain. And also shared some important suicide statistics, which spread the message of why it’s important to talk about positive mental health and mental health interventions. The vote of thanks was provided by Mrs. Rashna Bharucha offering the thanks to all the respected dignitaries and the sponsors of the international conference. The keynote address was provided by Dr.Yuvraj Kapadia, International Trainer from Bangalore who talked about how the mind functions. And he beautifully integrated the concept of Spirituality with psychology and hypnotherapy. The keynote address was followed by the Panel Discussion headed by Dr. D M Pestonjee, Dr. Hansal Bhachech, and Dr. Rutvi Kapadia, Nishmin Marshall, Dr. Amita Thakkar. The post lunch session was centered around the research presentations where individual researchers presented their papers. The sessions comprised of researches focusing on various aspects of the field of psychology, ranging from psychopathology to social psychology to industry-based researches as well. The speakers included the likes of psychologists, psychiatrists, research students etc. It was an opportunity to witness so many research papers and the wide range of researches being conducted by researchers across the country, and the world on the field of psychology and the improved understanding of the different aspects and factors associated with the field of psychology.


1. Punarvika Foundation and Indian Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP) Successfully organized webinar on Tele- Counseling (In the context of COVID 19) with amazing and Intellectual participants. on 15/5/20 a lot of appreciation and encourging feedback boost my enthusiasm and level of motivation.
2. Thanks to almighty and Prof. Anand Kumar Sir. Thanks to all participants for their cooperation and support to make this workshop a grand success. Thanks to Ms. Priyam Sharma for coordination for smooth running of the webnair.

IAHP Conferences:

1. First International Conference of Indian Academy of Health Psychology, University of Jammu, 6-8 December 2015. Download Souvenir; Download Brochure
2. Second International Conference of Indian Academy of Health Psychology, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, 16-18 December 2016. Download Souvenir; Download Brochure
3. Third International Conference of Indian Academy of Health Psychology, National PG College, Lucknow 12-14 November 2017 (Scheduled) Download Brochure

IAHP Workshops:
  1. Dr. BL Dubey: One Day Pre-conference Workshop on Application of Somatic Inkblot Series, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, 15 December 2016
  2. Dr. Rakesh Jain: Two Days Workshop on Cognitive Drill Therapy & Hypnosis, in Collaboration with Department of Psychology, University of Jammu. 6-7 October 2017

IAHP Awards:
  1. Life Time Achievement Award
  2. Innovative Behavioral Scientist Award